Winston H. Bostick (b. 5 March 1916 Freeport, IL – d. 19 January 1991 Tijuana, Mexico)[1] was a physicist and former head of the physics department at the Stevens Institute of Technology. His research interests included the plasma focus, plasma vortex phenomena, plasmoids, simulation of cosmical astrophysics by plasma physics experiments in the laboratory, showing that the Hubble Expansion can be produced by repulsive mutual-magnetic induction between neighboring galaxies which are acting as homopolar generators.[2]
He was also a consultant to the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He died of lung cancer aged 74.
Academic and career highlights

- In 1938 he received a B.S. and in 1941 a Ph.D in physics from the University of Chicago, where physicists Arthur H. Compton and Marcel Schein were his advisers for his thesis on cosmic rays.[3][4]
- From 1941 to 1945 he worked he worked on pulse transformer design at the MIT Radiation Laboratory.
- From 1946 to 1948 he worked on building the MIT microwave linear electron accelerator.
- Between 1948 to 1954 he was an associate professor in physics at Tuffs University, and researching into the pinch effect.
- Between 1954 to 1956 he was a staff member of the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLL), researching high-velocity plasma jets in magnetic fields (see “Plasmoids”, Scientific American, Oct 1954).
- Between 1956 – 1981 he was the George Meade Bonde Professor of Physics at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ (department head until 1968), and researched the plasma focus and plasma vortex phenomena.
- 1956. Makes the front page of the New York Times: “Physicist ‘Creates’ Universe in a Test Tube; Atom Gun Produces Galaxies and Gives Clues to Creation. Cosmos ‘Created’ in a Test Tube“[5][6][7], and other local newspapers (see image right)[8] See also: Winston H. Bostick/Newspaper clippings
- In 1961 he won first prize in the Gravity Research Foundation Essay Contest (fourth prize in 1958).
- In 1966 he was a Democratic primary candidate for the U.S.House of Representatives for New Jersey’s 5th Congressional District
- In 1970 he was a UNESCO Visiting Professor at the University of Buenos Aires.
- He became Professor Emeritus in 1981.
- He was a Fellow of the American Physical Society, and a member of Sigma Xi, and the American Association of University Professors
Bostick was married to Virginia Lord, and has two sons (Joel and Kent), a daughter (Verity), and a brother William.[1]
See also
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 New York Times, January 25, 1991
- ↑ Bostick, W. H., “The Hubble expansion as ascribed to mutual magnetic induction between neighboring galaxies“, Laser and Particle Beams (ISSN 0263-0346), vol. 6, Aug. 1988, p. 405-408. PEER REVIEWED
- ↑ Winston H. Bostick, “Stockholm, August 1956, Revisited”, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Apr 1989, Volume: 17, Issue: 2, page(s): 69-72 (Abstract)
- ↑ “About the Author“FULL TEXT PDF International Journal of Fusion Energy, Vol.1 No.1, March 1977. Page 55
- ↑ William L. Laurence, “Physicist ‘Creates’ Universe in a Test Tube; Atom Gun Produces Galaxies and Gives Clues to Creation Cosmos ‘Created’ in a Test Tube”, New York Times, December 12, 1956, Wednesday
- ↑ “Physicists Depict New Concepts Of Universe and Its Basic Laws”, New York Times, February 3, 1957, Sunday (Abstract)
- ↑ See also other results from the Google News archive
- ↑ The Daily Courier, Connellsville, PA (20 Dec 1956)
Full text articles
- 1946, WH Bostick, E Everhart, M Labitt, “Parallel Operation of Magnetrons” (Book)
- 1951. Pulse Transformer with Magnetron Well. (US Patent number: 2549366)
- 1952. High-Voltage Choked Filament Feed (US Patent number: 2599890)
- 1955. “On The Mechanism Of Generation Of Magneto-hydrodynamic Whirl Rings In The Interior Of The Sun And Their Relation To Sunspots, Faculae, Prominences, And Flares”, Technical Report, California. Univ., Livermore. Radiation Lab. (Abstract)
- 1958. “Experimental Study of Plasmoids”, in Electromagnetic Phenomena in Cosmical Physics, Proceedings from IAU Symposium no. 6. Edited by Bo Lehnert. International Astronomical Union. Symposium no. 6, Cambridge University Press, p.87 (Abstract, full text) PEER REVIEWED
- 1958. “Possible Hydromagnetic Simulation of Cosmical Phenomena in the Laboratory.” in Cosmical Gas Dynamics, Proceedings from IAU Symposium no. 8. Edited by Johannes Martinus Burgers and Richard Nelson Thomas. International Astronomical Union. Symposium no. 8, p. 1090 (Abstract, full text) PEER REVIEWED
- 1958. “Observations of Explosions of High-Speed Plasma in a Magnetic Field.” in Astrophysical Journal, vol. 127, p.237-237 (Abstract, full text) PEER REVIEWED
- 1959. Plasma Generator. (US Patent number: 2900548)
- 1971. Bostick, W. H.; Nardi, V.; Grunberger, L.; Prior, W., “Observation of Solar Flare Type Processes in the Laboratory” in Solar Magnetic Fields. Symposium no. 43, held at the College de France Paris, France, August 31 to September 4, 1970. Edited by Robert Howard. International Astronomical Union. Symposium no. 43, Dordrecht, Reidel, p.512. (Abstract, full text)
- 1977. “The pinch effect revisited” in International Journal of Fusion Energy, Vol. 1, No.1 Mar. 1977, p. 1-55. (Abstract)
- 1978. “Winston Bostick’s Approach to the Field Particle Problem“, Fusion, Vol.1 No.6&7, May 1978. pp.36-41
- 1978. “Towards understanding the Nature of Nuclear Fusion“, Fusion, Vol.1 No.6&7, May 1978. pp.42-54
- 1985, “The Morphology of the Electron“, International Journal of Fusion Energy, Vol.3 No.1 Jan 1985. pp.9-52
- 1985. Bostick, W. H.; Nardi, V. “The electromagnetic Ram action of the plasma focus as a paradigm for the generation of cosmic rays and the gigantic jets in active galaxies” in NASA. Goddard Space Flight Center 19th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf. p 183-186 (SEE N85-34862 23-93) (Abstract, full text)
- 1985. “On the Controversy over Whether Classical Systems Like Plasmas Can Behave Like Superconductors (Which Have Heretofore Been Supposed to Be Strictly Quantum-Mechanically Dominated)“, International Journal of Fusion Energy, Vol.3 No.2 Apr 1985. pp.47-50
- 1985. “The Electromagnetic-Ram Action of the Plasma Focus As a Paradigm for the Production of Gigantic Galactic Jets and Cosmic Rays“, International Journal of Fusion Energy, Vol.3 No.2 Apr 1985. pp.51-55
- 1989. “A Way Out of the Quasar Redshift Shambles” in 21st Century Science & Technology, Vol. 2, No. 4, July-August 1989, pp.56-60. Includes “”Redshifts and the Plasma Focus” p.58-59
Other articles
- 1940. G. Herzog, W. H. Bostick, “Pair Production of Mesotrons at 29,000 Feet”, Issue 3 – August 1940, Phys. Rev. 58, 278 – 278 (1940) (Ref)
- 1941. “Cloud-Chamber Pictures of Cosmic Rays at 29,000 Feet Altitude”, Physical Review, vol. 59, Issue 2, pp. 122-126 (Abstract}
- 1942. “Cloud-Chamber Photographs at 4310 Meters Altitude”, Physical Review, vol. 61, Issue 9-10, pp. 557-564. (Abstract)
- 1950, W. H. Bostick, “Possible Techniques in Direct-Electron-Beam Tumor Therapy”, Issue 4 – February 1950, Phys. Rev. 77, 564 – 565 (1950) Ref
- 1952, Bostick, Winston H.; Levine, Morton A., “Experimental Demonstration in the Laboratory of the Existence of Magneto-Hydrodynamic Waves in Ionized Helium”, Physical Review, vol. 87, Issue 4, pp. 671-671 (Abstract)
- 1955. Bostick, Winston H.; Levine, Morton A., “Experiments on the Behavior of an Ionized Gas in a Magnetic Field”, Physical Review, vol. 97, Issue 1, pp. 13-21 (Abstract)
- 1955. “Hypothesis for the Origin of the Magnetic Fields and Angular Rotations of Stars and Planets”, Physical Review, vol. 100, Issue 4, pp. 1007-1008 (Abstract)
- 1956. “Simulation of Solar Prominence in the Laboratory” in Physical Review, vol. 104, Issue 4, pp. 1191-1193 [ADS]
- 1956. “Experimental Study of Ionized Matter Projected across a Magnetic Field”, Physical Review, vol. 104, Issue 2, pp. 292-299 (Abstract)
- 1957. Bostick, Winston H.; Twite, Orrin A., “Simulation of Astrophysical Processes in the Laboratory” in Nature, Volume 179, Issue 4552, pp. 214-215 (1957). (Abstract)
- 1957. “Experimental Study of Plasmoids” in Physical Review, vol. 106, Issue 3, pp. 404-412. (Abstract)
- 1957. Harris, E. G.; Theus, R. B.; Bostick, W. H., “Experimental Investigations of the Motion of Plasma Projected from a Button Source across Magnetic Fields”, Physical Review, vol. 105, Issue 1, pp. 46-50 (Abstract)
- 1958 “Plasma Motors” in Conference on Extremely High Temperatures, held March 18-19, 1958, in Boston, MA, USA. Edited by Heinz Fischer and Lawrence C. Mansur. Sponsored by Electronics Research Directorate, Air Force Cambridge Research Center. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1958, p.169 [ADS]
- 1958. “Possible Hydromagnetic Simulation of Cosmical Phenomena in the Laboratory” in Reviews of Modern Physics, vol. 30, Issue 3, pp. 1090-1094 (ADS)
- 1958. “Propulsion of Plasma by Magnetic Means, Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy”, Proc. 2nd UN Int. Conf, 1958
- 1959. “Progress Report On Rail Gun Studies”, March 1959 – September 1, 1959 (Abstract)
- 1960, Hillman Dickinson, Winston H. Bostick, Joseph N. DiMarco, and Samuel Koslov, “Observation of Apparent Flute-Type Plasma Instability”, Physics of Fluids, May 1960, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 480-481 (Abstract)
- 1961, H. Dickinson, W. H. Bostick, J. N. DiMarco, and S. Koslov, “Experimental Study of Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Plasma”, Physics of Fluids, September 1962 — Volume 5, Issue 9, pp. 1048-1056 (Abstract)
- 1962. JN Di Marco, WH Bostick, “Experimental Observations of Colliding Plasmas in Cusped and Mirror-Geometry”, Physics of Fluids, July 1962, Volume 5, Issue 7, pp. 866-867 (Abstract)
- 1962. “Measurement of the Properties of Plasma Eddies Produced by Shear in Velocity in a Magnetic Field”, Physics of Fluids, November 1962, Volume 5, Issue 11, pp. 1406-1409 (Abstract)
- 1962. “Interaction Between Magnetic Fields and Moving Plasmas”, Electromagnetics and Fluid Dynamics of Gaseous Plasma; Proceedings of the symposium held April 4-6, 1961, in New York, NY. Microwave Research Institute Symposia Series Volume XI. Published by Polytechnic Press, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY USA, 1962, p.211 (Abstract)
- 1963. “Plasma vortices” in VIth International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (Phénomènes D’Ionisation dans les Gaz), Volume IV. Proceedings of the conference held July 8-13, 1963, in Paris, France. Edited by P. Hubert and E. Crémieu-Alcan, under the auspices of the State Minister for Scientific Research, Atomic and Space Matters, 1963, p. 405. (ADS)
- 1963, “Hall Currents and Vortices in the Coaxial Plasma Accelerator”, Physics of Fluids, November 1963, Volume 6, Issue 11, pp. 1598-1603 (Abstract)
- 1963. Bostick, W. H.; Byfield, H.; Brettschneider, M., “Plasma Flow around a Three-Dimensional Dipole”, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 68, p.5315 (Abstract)
- 1963. Winston H. Bostick, Daniel R. Wells , “Azimuthal Magnetic Field in the Conical Theta Pinch”, Physics of Fluids, September 1963, Volume 6, Issue 9, pp. 1325-1331 (Abstract)
- 1963. W. H. Bostick, H. Byfield, and M. Brettschneider, “Measurements of B, E, and n inside the Simulated Geomagnetic Cavity in the Presence of Solar Wind”, Physics of Fluids, September 1963, Volume 6, Issue 9, pp. 1361-1362 (Abstract)
- 1963. “Study of the stability of hydromagnetic plasmas final report” (Hydromagnetic plasma stability studies – bibliography and summary) (Abstract)
- 1963. Bostick, W H; Brettschneider, M; Byfield, H, “Vacuum Chamber Study Of The Plasma Flow Around A Three-dimensional Magnetic Dipole, Noting The Analogy To The Van Allen Belt In A Solar Wind)”, Journal Of Geophysical Research. Vol. 68, Pp. 5315-5317. 15 Sept. 1963 (Abstract)
- 1965. W. H. Bostick, H. Byfield, P. Casale, and J. DiMarco , “Flow of Plasma Around a Magnetic Dipole”, Physics of Fluids, July 1965, Volume 8, Issue 7, pp. 1397-1399 (Abstract)
- 1965, W. H. Bostick, W. Prior, and E. Farber, “Plasma Vortices in the Coaxial Plasma Accelerator”, Physics of Fluids, April 1965, Volume 8, Issue 4, pp. 745-747 ([Abstract])
- 1965, W. H. Bostick, “An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Turbulence Instablities at Plasma-Magnetic Field Interfaces Semiannual Report.” Produce code: N6617101,
- 1965, W. H. Bostick, “An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Turbulence Instablities at Plasma-Magnetic Field Interfaces Semiannual Report.” Produce code: N6629525,
- 1966. W. H. Bostick, W. Prior, L. Grunberger, and G. Emmert “Pair Production of Plasma Vortices”, Physics of Fluids, October 1966 — Volume 9, Issue 10, pp. 2078-2080 (Abstract)
- 1966. Bostick, W H; Small, R L; Valsamakis, E A , “Probe measurements of plasma injected into a B sub z guide field from a conical theta-pinch accelerator (Local magnetic field, ion density flow and electric field in plasma measured downstream of theta-pinch accelerator in presence of uniform guide field)”, American Inst. of Aeronautics And Astronautics, Plasmadynamics Conference, Monterey, Calif ; United States; 2-4 Mar. 1966. 16 Pp. 1966 (Abstract)
- 1966, W. H. Bostick G. Emmert E. Farber L. Grunberger A. Jermakian, “Measurement of Rotational-Velocity and Ion-Density Profiles in Plasma Vortices” 1966, product code: AD651965,
- 1967. RL Small, EA Valsamakis, WH Bostick, “Probe Measurements of Plasma Rings Injected into an Axial Guide Field”, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal, 1967, vol.5 no.5 (Abstract)
- 1967. “Mechanism And Dynamics Of Coaxial Plasma Acceleration”, Final technical rept., (Abstract) (Abstract)
- 1967, W. H. Bostick L. Grunberger P. Palmadesso W. Prior J. Zorskie, “Properties of the Spokes in Coaxial and Parallel – Plate Plasma Accelerator.” 1967, (Abstract)
- 1968, W. H. Bostick, “An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Turbulence Instabilities at Plasma Magnetic Field Interfaces Semiannual Report for Period Ending Apr. 1967 and Final Report for Period Ending Jan. 1968.” Jan 1968 (Abstract)
- 1968. Bostick, W H; Zorskie, J W, “The interaction of plasmoids with magnetic fields, volume 2 Interim technical report (Interaction of plasmoids with magnetic fields)” (Abstract)
- 1968, A. Deshmukh W. H. Bostick, “A Study of the Dynamic Interaction of a Plasmoid with a Magnetostatic Field Gradient from an Axial Current, Volume III. – Interim technical rept. no. 1” Feb 1968 (Abstract)
- 1968, A. Deshmukh W. H. Bostick, “A Study of the Dynamic Interaction of a Plasmoid with a Magnetostatic Field Gradient from an Axial Current. – Final rept. (volume 2)” 1 Jun 67-14 May 68 (Abstract)
- 1969. Bostick, W. H.; Grunberger, L.; Nardi, V.; Prior, W., “Vorticity in the current sheath of the plasma coaxial accelerator” in Ninth International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, held September 1 – 6, 1969, in Bucharest, Romania. Edited by Geavit Musa, Ion Ghica, Alexandrina Popescu, and Ligia Nâstase. Published by the Institute of Physics, Academy of the Socialist Republic of Romania, Bucharest, Romania, 1969, p.66 (ADS)
- 1969, W. H. Bostick L. Grunberger W. Prior, “Mechanism and Dynamics of Coaxial Plasma Acceleration. – Interim technical rept. no. 2”, Mar 1969 (Abstract)
- 1970. Bostick, W H; Grunberger, L; Nardi, V; Prior, W, “Vorticity and neutrons in the plasma focus (Extremely high temperature deuterium examination, using coaxial plasma accelerators to determine neutron production and vorticity)” (Abstract)
- 1971. Bostick, W. H.; Nardi, V.; Prior, W., “Formation and Decay of Vortex Filaments in a Plasma Current Sheath” in Dynamics of Ionized Gases, International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics sponsored the International Symposium on Dynamics of Ionized Gases, September 13-17, 1971, in Tokyo, Japan. Edited by M. J. Lighthill, I. Imai and H. Sato. ISBN 0-470-53530-X; QC717.6.1557 1971. A Halsted Press Book published by John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1971, p.375 (ADS)
- 1972. Bostick, W. H.; Nardi, V.; Prior, W., “Similarities between solar flares and laboratory hot plasma phenomena” in Proceedings of the Conference on Cosmic Plasma Physics, held at the European Space Research Institute (ESRIN), Frascati, Italy, September 20-24, 1971. Edited by Karl Schindler. Published by Plenum Press, New York, 1972,, p.175 (ADS)
- 1972, Bostick, W.H. ; Nardi, V. ; Prior, W. “X-ray fine structure of dense plasma in a co-axial accelerator”, J. Plasma Phys. ;8: No. 1, 7-20(Aug 1972). (Abstract)
- 1972, Bostick,Winston H. ; Nardi,Vittorio ; Prior,William J., “Study of Vortex Annihilation and Neutron Production.”, Final scientific rept. 1 Oct 71-30 Sep 72 (Abstract)
- 1975, Bostick, W. H.; Nardi, V.; Prior, W., “Production and confinement of high-density plasmas”, Conference on Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Confinement of Plasmas and the Phenomenology of Relativistic Electron Beams, New York, N.Y., Mar. 4-7, 1974.) New York Academy of Sciences, Annals, vol. 251, May 8, 1975, p. 2-27 (Abstract)
- 1975. “Observation of 108 Gauss Fields and Production of 14-MeV, DT Neutrons in a Deuterium Plasma.”, IAEA-CN 33/E 6-3, 109, 1975
- 1975. Bostick, Winston H. ; Nardi,Vittorio, “Study of the role of vortex annihilation in the mechanism of neutron and X-ray production in the plasma focus”, Final Report Stevens Inst. of Tech., Hoboken, NJ. Dept. of Physics. (Abstract)
- 1975. Zucker, O. ; Bostick, W. ; Gullickson, R. ; Long, J. ; Luce, J. ; Sahlin, H., “Repetitively pulsed material testing facility”, European IRPA congress, Report # UCRL–76896; CONF-750518–3 (Abstract)
- 1975. Zucker, O. S. F.; Bostick, W.; Gullickson, R.; Long, J.; Luce, J.; Sahlin, H., “Design of a repetitively pulsed megajoule dense-plasma focus” (Abstract)
- 1976. “Radiation Damage(Blistering) in Al, Cu, Si by Exposure to a Plasma Focus Discharge”, J. Nucl. Mater., Dec. 1976, 63, 356-372. (Abstract)
- 1976, W Bostick, V Nardi, O Zucker, “Nonuniform energy concentration in focused plasmas” in Energy storage, compression, and switching (Book), New York, Plenum Press, 1976. 548 p (Abstract)
- 1976. Luce, J.S. ; Bostick, W.H. ; Nardi, V., “LLL experiments in collective field acceleration”, Technical Report, international symposium of plasma physics on heating in torodial devices; 6 Sep 1976; Varenna, Italy (Abstract)
- 1977, O Zucker, W Bostick, J Long, J Luce, H Shalin, “The plasma focus as a large fluence neutron source, Nucl. Instrum. Meth, 1977
- 1978. “Production of GW Electron and Ion Beams By Focused Discharges”, in Second International Conference on Energy Storage.
- 1978. Nardi,V. ; Bostick,W. H. ; Prior,W., “Study of the Anatomy of the X-Ray and Neutron Production Scaling Laws in the Plasma Focus (Particle Energy Spectrum).” Annual rept. 1 Oct 77-30 Sep 78 (Abstract)
- 1978, V. Nardi, W. H. Bostick, W. Prior, “Study of the Anatomy of the X-Ray and Neutron Production Scaling Laws in the Plasma Focus (Particle Energy Spectrum). – Annual rept. 1 Oct 77-30 Sep 78”, Dec 1978 (Abstract)
- 1979, V. Nardi, W. H. Bostick, W. Prior, “Study of the Anatomy of the X-Ray and Neutron Production Scaling Laws in the Plasma Focus (Particle Energy Spectrum and Optimization Criteria). – Final technical rept. 1 Oct 78-30 Sep 79”, Nov 1979 (Abstract)
- 1979, Destler, W. W.; Hoeberling, R. F.; Kim, H.; Bostick, W. H., “Collective acceleration of carbon ions to 170 MeV”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 35, Aug. 1, 1979, p. 296-298 (Abstract)
- 1979. Nardi, V.; Prior, W.; Bostick, W. H.; Feugeas, J.; Cortese, C., “Energy spectra of deuteron and electron beams from focused discharges and optimization criteria”, Plasma physics and controlled nuclear fusion research 1979; Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, August 23-30, 1978. Volume 2. (A80-17751 05-75) Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, 1979, p. 143-157. (Abstract)
- 1980. Nardi, V.; Bostick, W. H.; Feugeas, J.; Prior, W., “Internal structure of electron-beam filaments” in Physical Review A (General Physics), Volume 22, Issue 5, November 1980, pp.2211-2217. (Abstract)
- 1986. “What laboratory-produced plasma structures can contribute to the understanding of cosmic structures both large and small” in IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (ISSN 0093-3813), vol. PS-14, Dec. 1986, p. 703-717. (Abstract)
- 1986. Freeman, B. L.; Bostick, W. H., “Transformers for explosive pulsed power coupling to various loads”, 4th International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic-Field Generation and Related Topics, Santa Fe, N. Mex., 14 Jul. 1986 (Abstract)
- 1988. “The Hubble expansion as ascribed to mutual magnetic induction between neighboring galaxies” in Laser and Particle Beams (ISSN 0263-0346), vol. 6, Aug. 1988, p. 405-408. (Abstract)
- 1989. “Stockholm, August 1956, Revisited”, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Apr 1989, Volume: 17, Issue: 2, page(s): 69-72 (Abstract)
- 1991. “Mass, Charge, and Current: The Essence and Morphology”, Physics Essays, 1991
- 1993. W.H. Bostick, H. Kilic, V. Nardi and C.W. Powell, “Time resolved energy spectrum of the axial ion beam generated in plasma focus discharges”, Nuclear Fusion 33 413-20 (Abstract)